As you have seen in the recent emails there have been attempts at targeting retirees saving and spending accounts. This has affected other retiree groups as well. Working with RUAEA (Retired United AIrlines Employees Association), some members of the RPC (Retired Presidents Committee), and United Airlines Cyber Security & Health and Wellness, the following has been developed to assist you in protecting your assets.
Dan Petrovich - RUPA President
Subject: Protecting Your Savings and Spending Accounts
Please be aware that cybercriminals are increasingly targeting employees’ benefits accounts through phishing scams and other fraudulent activities to steal funds and personal information. To help protect your benefits and personal information, follow the recommendations below related to your accounts administered by Alight Solutions, LLC (Smart-Choice), including your Health Savings Account (HSA), Health Reimbursement Account (HRA), and Retirement Health Account (RHA).
United, Smart-Choice, Alight, or the United Airlines Benefits Center (UABC) will never request sensitive details through unsecured channels such as robocalls or texts, nor will they threaten to suspend benefits if you do not comply. You will never be asked to verbalize your PIN to a UABC representative. If at any point you feel uncomfortable with the questions being asked, you should hang up and call the UABC directly at (800) 651-1007.
To defend your accounts, we advise you to:
If you think your accounts may have been compromised:
Your vigilance is crucial to maintaining the cyber safety of our community.